Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Science and Technology
Valahia University of Târgoviște



Valahia University of Târgoviște


The Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Science and Technology (ICSTM) of “Valahia” University of Targoviste was established by Decision no. 873/03.12.2003, based on the Decision of the University Senate no. 10/25.09.2003. ICSTM is an independent, apolitical and non-governmental professional organization, legally dependent on the university, established to participate in research, development, and innovation projects, financed through national or international programs and contracts with economic agents.

Starting in 2003, a series of research projects were carried out in ICSTM that financed the purchase of high-performance equipments and IT infrastructure. In 2010, the POSCCE project (ID 916, contract no. 250/2010, with a budget of 57,971,600 RON) – targeted three significant components: construction of a new building for research and innovation (7,250 m2), purchase of equipments, tangible and intangible assets and promotion of the acquired research and innovation capacity. Thirty-five research laboratories, four amphitheatres/halls for results dissemination, thirteen administrative offices and other functional spaces were built and equipped.


Valahia University of Târgoviște