Table of Contents

About us
The Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Science and Technology (ICSTM) of the Valahia University of Targoviste (VUT), established by VUT Decision 873/03.12.2003, based on the Valahia University Senate Decision 10/25.09.2003, is an independent, apolitical and non-governmental professional organization, legally dependent on VUT, created for the purpose of participating in the implementation of research, development, innovation projects, financed through national and international programs and through contracts with economic agents.
The ICSTM gathers under its umbrella 16 institutionally accredited research centers and has the mission to ensure, coordinate, monitor and support scientific and technological research activity, respecting the status of each individual center.
ICSTM aims the activity of scientific research, experimental development, innovation and technology transfer in the fields of competence of Valahia University.
Is developing the strategy and the operational procedure regarding scientific research, organizes and manages its own scientific research laboratories, collaborates with research centers, in order for them to use laboratory equipment and specialized human resources.
Activities & Goals
The activities carried out by ICSTM are defined by:
- applied research for the realization of new products and technologies;
- basic and targeted fundamental research, carried out in order to deepen and increase the level of knowledge;
- analytical research.
The research areas are established periodically by the Research Strategy of the Valahia University of Targoviste, in the Strategic Development Plan of the university. The research areas subsume research directions and/or research themes, specific to the research centers within the ICSTM.
ICSTM is at the moment the only structure in Romania officially approved by the accredited body RENAR, Romanian Movement for Quality (MRC) to carry out the analyzes necessary for obtaining the European Certification in the field of Toys Safety according to European Directive 2009/48/EC, with experts/evaluators accredited within the MRC. In this sense, an important objective is the continuous improvement of the RENAR certified/accredited research infrastructure, competitive at the European level and with a high degree of uniqueness at the national level, capable of supporting excellent research from the university, as well as the services within the MRC, by purchasing new equipment and providing the necessary maintenance/repairs to existing equipment.
Making strategic research partnerships with universities and research institutes, from the country and abroad, with economic agents, etc., in order to identify EU or non-EU funding sources, represents another important objective, closely related to increasing the visibility of research results and promoting VUT. Thus, the aim is to continuously update research management by increasing the performance of human resources and research infrastructure. Preparing students at all levels of study and engaging them in research activities is a constant component of the research strategy, aiming at ensuring a knowledge-based society and preparing them for a higher level of study.
Starting from the Regional Specialization Strategies (SRS) 2021-2027 and National Strategy for Research, Innovation and Smart Specialization (SNCISI) 2022-2027 (which establish private companies as pillars of innovation and highlight the importance of strengthening the international dimension of scientific research and strengthening Romania’s position as a regional leader in strategic fields in which it can achieve excellence).
ICSTM through VUT also proposes other important capabilities such as:
- improving/promoting research infrastructure and research services through the EERIS platform (;
- Open-science and Open-access activities; entrepreneurship in innovation; clusters and connecting Hub;
- Implementation of SR 13572/2016 – Innovation management systems (SMIn).
The provision of resources (financial, material, human and informational) in research is given by ICSTM, a modern research institute, recognized at national and international level, partner in a series of national and international projects (from PNCDI III, POCU, POSCCE , POR, FDI, cluster, etc. up to HORIZON 2020, COST, EAA, MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships Marie Curie, ERANET, HEI INITIATIVE Erasmus+, AUF, bilateral projects with JINR Dubna Russia, bilateral projects with China, etc.), which contribute decisively, through scientific creation and the infrastructure for advanced research, to increase visibility at national/international level, to internationalization by positioning UVT in the category of elite universities at national and European level. The activities of ICSTM will take shape in the development of materials, devices and systems with applicability in the production of renewable energy and its integration in buildings, increasing energy efficiency, reducing the consumption of materials and fuels.
ICSTM not only that shares the European policies regarding the reduction of carbon emissions but also tries to be proactive in the area of renewable resources by campaigning for awareness in both academic and economic environment for the importance that must be given to the support in innovating and finding integrative solutions regarding the use of alternative resources with a close to zero harmful effect on human health.
HR & Sustainability
The research staff consists of young researchers from priority research areas.
Regarding the ability to attract young people with higher education in research, ICSTM through VUT promotes:
- the existence of a material base corresponding to the conduct of excellent research (laboratories with the latest generation equipment, bookstores/databases, facilities dedicated to research, https: //;
- the existence of bilateral agreements/partnerships/contracts for research with universities/research institutes/companies at national and international level;
- its high capacity to relate to the environment academic/research and economic at national and international level, both by organizing scientific events in ICSTM and by running Erasmus+ mobility projects, as well as doctoral education and postdoctoral training programs for researchers, within the Marie Slodowska-Curie Action (MSCA, Horizon Europe).
These are just few solid arguments to prove the ability to attract young researchers in the do emerging new menus that VUT promotes through ICSTM, such as:
- natural/ecological pharmaceuticals;
- functional foods/human health risk;
- advanced materials with reduced ecological footprint;
- biomedical nanomaterials;
- materials for diagnosis and treatment of heritage objects;
- production and storage of renewable energy;
- (nano)materials for ICT applications, space and security;
- archaeometry.
Increasing the attractiveness of the research career through career promotion based on ethics and performance is a basic foundation of the university. In this sense, VUT supports the formation of multidisciplinary groups of researchers open to the national and international scientific research environment, by increasing the number of researchers in ICSTM, and thus, improving the performance of the groups of researchers.