First Prize
- Activity / Paper / Section: Best in Show Challenges
- Team: Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Florin Dragomir, Ioana Daniela Dulamă, Ion Valentin Gurgu, Nicolae Gabriel Rădulescu, Ioan Alin Bucurică
- Awarded by/Exhibition: Mobile Microrobotics Challenge - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Brisbane (Australia)
Gold Medal
- Activity / Paper / Section: Filmogene composite polymer pellicle for the retention of pictural degradation products and the process of obtaining them
- Team: Rodica Mariana Ion, Nelu Ion, Gheorghe Nechifor, Sofia Teodorescu
- Awarded by/Exhibition: EuroInvent, 10th Edition, Iași
Grand Prize of the CadetINOVA Salon
- Activity / Paper / Section: Compact teleoperated mobile robotic platform for microcomponents assembly
- Team: Nicolae Gabriel Radulescu, Ion Valentin Gurgu, Florin Dragomir, Ioan Alin Bucurica, Ioana Daniela Dulama, Ioan Alexandru Ivan
- Awarded by/Exhibition: The International Student Innovation and Scientific Research Exhibition “Cadet INOVA’17”, Sibiu
Award of Commercial Companies
- Activity / Paper / Section: Autonomous trajectory control of magnetically-actuated microrobotic system
- Team: Ion Valentin Gurgu, Nicolae Gabriel Radulescu, Florin Dragomir, Ioan Alin Bucurica, Ioana Daniela Dulama, Ioan Alexandru Ivan
- Awarded by/Exhibition: The International Student Innovation and Scientific Research Exhibition “Cadet INOVA’17”, Sibiu
First Prize
- Activity / Paper / Section: Student Awards for Technical Innovation
- Team: Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Florin Dragomir, Ioana Daniela Dulama, Ion Valentin Gurgu, Nicolae Gabriel Radulescu, Ioan Alin Bucurica
- Awarded by/Exhibition: International Electric and Automation Show (IEAS), București
First Prize
- Activity / Paper / Section: Microassembly Challenge
- Team: Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Florin Dragomir, Ioana Daniela Dulama, Ion Valentin Gurgu, Nicolae Gabriel Radulescu, Ioan Alin Bucurica
- Awarded by/Exhibition: Mobile Microrobotics Challenge - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Singapore (Singapore)
Gold Medal
- Activity / Paper / Section: Hexavalent chromium retention from wastewater with polimer membrane systems
- Team: Sofia Teodorescu, Rodica Mariana Ion, Gheorghe Nechifor, Ioana Raluca Suica-Bunghez, Raluca Maria Stirbescu, Ioana Daniela Dulama
- Awarded by/Exhibition: Salonul Euroinvent (Iasi)
First Prize
- Activity / Paper / Section: Mobility Challenges
- Team: Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Florin Dragomir, Ioana Daniela Dulama, Ion Valentin Gurgu, Nicolae Gabriel Rădulescu, Ioan Alin Bucurica
- Awarded by/Exhibition: Mobile Microrobotics Challenge - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm (Sweden)
First Prize
- Activity / Paper / Section: Best in Show Challenges
- Team: Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Florin Dragomir, Ioana Daniela Dulama, Ion Valentin Gurgu, Nicolae Gabriel Rădulescu, Ioan Alin Bucurica
- Awarded by/Exhibition: Mobile Microrobotics Challenge - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm (Sweden)
Diploma of Excellence
- Activity / Paper / Section: Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) used for determination of pesticides, complementary with spectroscopic techniques FT-IR and Raman
- Team: Ioana Daniela Dulama, Sofia Teodorescu, Raluca Maria Stirbescu, Ioan Alin Bucurica, Cristiana Radulescu
- Awarded by/Exhibition: The International Student Innovation and Scientific Research Exhibition “Cadet INOVA’16”, Sibiu