Best paper award
- Activity / Paper / Section: Restoration and preservation of cultural heritage monuments. Digital presentation and practical solutions
- Team: Rodica-Mariana Ion, Sofia Teodorescu, Ioan Alin Bucurica, Mihaela-Lucia Ion, Daniela Turcanu-Carutiu
- Awarded by/Exhibition: Digital presentation and preservation of cultural and scientific heritage, Veliko-Tarnovo (Bulgaria)
Diploma of Excellence
- Activity / Paper / Section: For outstanding results obtained in scientific research
- Team: Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Florin Dragomir, Ioana Daniela Dulama, Ion Valentin Gurgu, Nicolae Gabriel Rădulescu, Ioan Alin Bucurica
- Awarded by/Exhibition: Valahia University of Targoviste
Gold Medal
- Activity / Paper / Section: Hexavalent chromium retention from wastewater with polimer membrane systems
- Team: Sofia Teodorescu, Rodica Mariana Ion, Gheorghe Nechifor, Ioana Raluca Suica-Bunghez, Raluca Maria Stirbescu, Ioana Daniela Dulama
- Awarded by/Exhibition: Salonul Euroinvent (Iasi)
Gold Medal
- Activity / Paper / Section: Composite biomaterial and process for preparing the same
- Team: Rodica-Mariana Ion, Aurora-Anca Poinescu, Cristiana Rădulescu, Nelu Ion, Călin Oros
- Awarded by/Exhibition: EuroInvent 2015, 7th edition, Iasi
Gold Medal
- Activity / Paper / Section: Composite biomaterial and process for preparing the same
- Team: Rodica-Mariana Ion, Aurora-Anca Poinescu, Cristiana Rădulescu, Nelu Ion, Călin Oros
- Awarded by/Exhibition: International Warsaw Invention Show
Gold Medal and PROINVENT Diploma
- Activity / Paper / Section: Composite biomaterial and process for preparing the same
- Team: Rodica-Mariana Ion, Aurora-Anca Poinescu, Cristiana Rădulescu, Nelu Ion, Călin Oros
- Awarded by/Exhibition: Proinvent 2015, 13th edition, Cluj-Napoca
Special Prize as a sign of honor, recognition and appreciation of scientific creativity and originality
- Activity / Paper / Section: Composite biomaterial and process for preparing the same
- Team: Rodica-Mariana Ion, Aurora-Anca Poinescu, Cristiana Rădulescu, Nelu Ion, Călin Oros
- Awarded by/Exhibition: Lucian Balga University
Romanian Chemical Society Prize for special merits in promoting chemistry
- Activity / Paper / Section: -
- Team: Cristiana Radulescu, Ioana Daniela Dulama
- Awarded by/Exhibition: Romanian Chemical Society
Gold Medal and Cup from the National Salon of Research and Innovation
- Activity / Paper / Section: Composite biomaterial and process for preparing the same
- Team: Rodica-Mariana Ion, Aurora-Anca Poinescu, Cristiana Rădulescu, Nelu Ion, Călin Oros
- Awarded by/Exhibition: National Salon of Research and Innovation
Gold Medal
- Activity / Paper / Section: Composite biomaterial and process for preparing the same
- Team: Rodica-Mariana Ion, Aurora-Anca Poinescu, Cristiana Rădulescu, Nelu Ion, Călin Oros
- Awarded by/Exhibition: Euroinvent 2014, Iasi