Chemistry problems and tests, second edition / Probleme și teste de chimie, ediția a doua
- Author(s): "Radulescu, C; Ionita, I; Moater, EI"
- Publishing House: Bibliotheca
- City: Targoviste
- ISBN: 978-973-712-626-9
- Page No.: 397
Enciclopedia caracterizarii materialelor / Encyclopedia of materials characterization
- Author(s): "Cimpoca, GV; Popescu, IV; Stihi, C; Gheboianu, AI; Dulama, ID"
- Publishing House: Bibliotheca
- City: Targoviste
- ISBN: 978-973-712-368-8
- Page No.: 289
Microbalanta cu cristal de cuart. Metoda nanoanalitica. Aplicații / Quartz crystal microbalance. Nanoanalytical method. Applications
- Author(s): "Cimpoca, GV; Rădulescu, C; Stancu, A; Dulamă, ID; Leț, DD"
- Publishing House: Bibliotheca
- City: Targoviste
- ISBN: 978-973-712-388-6
- Page No.: 350
Pollutant emissions / Emisii poluante
- Author(s): "Radulescu, C"
- Publishing House: Bibliotheca
- City: Targoviste
- ISBN: 978-973-712-405-0
- Page No.: 337
Le Paléolithique supérieur de la Vallée de Bistriţa dans le contexte des recherches de Poiana Cireşului, Piatra Neamţ (Nord-est de la Roumanie) / The Upper Palaeolithic of the Bistriţa Valley in the context of the researches of Poiana Cireşului, Piatra Neamţ (North-eastern Romania)
- Author(s): "Nita-Balasescu, L"
- Publishing House: Cetatea de Scaun
- City: Targoviste
- ISBN: 9.78974E+12
- Page No.: 154
Optoelectronica, materiale, dispozitive si aplicatii / Optoelectronics, materials, devices and applications
- Author(s): "Cimpoca, GV; Gheboianu, AI"
- Publishing House: Bibliotheca
- City: Targoviste
- ISBN: 978-973-712-243-8
- Page No.: 290
Chimie Generală (Profil Tehnic) / General Chemistry (Technical Profile)
- Author(s): "Jurconi, E; Nicolescu, CM "
- Publishing House: Printech
- City: Bucharest
- ISBN: 978–873-718–887–8
- Page No.: 241
Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, vol. II / Chimie anorganică și analitică, vol. II
- Author(s): "Radulescu, C"
- Publishing House: Bibliotheca
- City: Targoviste
- ISBN: 978-973-712-299-5
- Page No.: 256
Teste Grilă de Chimie Generală (Partea a II-a) / General Chemistry Grid Tests (Part II)
- Author(s): "Jurconi, E; Nicolescu, CM"
- Publishing House: Printech
- City: Bucharest
- ISBN: 978-973-718-654-6
- Page No.: 219
Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, vol. I / Chimie anorganică și analitică, vol. I
- Author(s): "Radulescu C."
- Publishing House: Bibliotheca
- City: Targoviste
- ISBN: 973-712-194-5
- Page No.: 360